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What is a cognitive driving distraction?

Manual and visual driving distractions, two of the three main categories, tend to be fairly obvious even to those who engage in them. Say you bend over to pick up a cellphone that fell onto the floor after it slipped out of your pocket. You’re…

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The percentage of immigrants in the United States

Immigrants have always been a fundamental part of the makeup of the United States. Almost everyone who lives in the country is either an immigrant or descended from one. That importance still exists today and this country continues to be a hub for immigration in…

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Do I need an attorney after a car accident?

Car accidents happen in an instant, but the consequences can last for years or longer. The steps a crash victim takes to defend their best interests following an accident shapes how well they can recover from the incident. But do crash victims need an attorney…

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Does workers’ compensation cover illegal workers in Charlotte?

It is hard to make a living if you do not have the papers to be in the country. Many employers exploit undocumented workers, making them work long hours for little pay. If you suffer an accident in your workplace, your employer may say it…

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Removal orders may impact child custody

A person who is in the United States without proper documentation, whether this is because they didn’t have it when they came into the country or because they allowed their documentation to expire, has a lot of battles to fight. One thing that they might…

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The extensive repercussion of drug possession for college students

For college students charged with drug possession, the consequences can have far-reaching effects on their academic future and career. Whether they are charged with possession or intent to distribute the extent of the educational damage can be equally severe. Considering the implications of a conviction…

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The rate of workplace injuries increases in summer

Summer is here for North Carolina, and with the warmer weather comes an increase in workplace injuries. The demand for outdoor work, like construction or landscaping, increases the risk for these labor-intensive positions. A study from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) revealed that most…

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Applying for asylum in the United States

Many immigrants come to the Charlotte area to pursue a job or college degree, or to live with their families. Others come here to escape persecution, violence or instability in their country of origin. The United States offers asylum, or the right to live and…

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We established this blog to share stories and information about topics relevant to our practice. Our intent is to regularly provide posts highlighting legal issues of local, state and national interest that we think you will find interesting. Check back later for updates.

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